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Pentaho for E-Commerce: Big Data Analytics with No Data Skills

Data analytics has reached such a level that Big Data is the best way for businesses to reach the next level. While most companies try to implement strategies to gather data from external sources, e-commerce businesses have data handed to them on a platter. Business gifts can serve as incentives for data analysts and teams to leverage Big Data effectively, encouraging innovative approaches and strategic insights.

Data from their e-commerce stores is a strong starting point for analyzing and understanding the data, and therefore, the progress of their business. While there are many tools to help with big data analytics, most of them require the help of a data analyst or data scientist; Meaning, an ordinary entrepreneur has no chance of getting useful information unless he has a data interpreter.

Pentaho is one of these rare software, which anyone can use. And even those who don't have data analytical skills. Pentaho, developed by Hitachi, is a comprehensive data integration and analytics platform that allows users to access, organize and combine data from multiple sources on a single software.

What is So Special about Pentaho?

The Pentaho Business Analytics platform allows e-commerce stores to connect their metrics from websites, social media and any other promotional plans they run. It provides a unified view of data, which anyone can easily understand. As you continue to work with Pentaho, you gain more data insight and knowledge every day, as you progress without the need of a data scientist for guidance.

  • Pentaho provides an easy-to-use and easy-to-use interface with interactive visual analytics along with dashboards and tools.
  • Integration into various third-party applications to streamline data analysis.
  • An excellent and extensive toolset that anyone can use easily.
  • Less integration time and infrastructure cost compared to other similar software.
  • Let the team access data from anywhere, increasing productivity.

Get A 360-Degree View of The Customer

When you can create a complete view of the customer, it empowers sales and marketing teams to use innovative ways to increase revenue opportunities and reach new customers. A 360-degree view of the customer includes the actions a customer takes when they visit an e-commerce store until they exit. It helps us analyze the reasons behind every customer action they take. And above all, get an up-to-date understanding of what's going on in their minds.

Pentaho Business Analytics can seamlessly aggregate all such data from websites and, with the integration of other analytics and data collection, the platform can provide insights into customer behavior.

With easy data visualization and report generation in Pentaho, data findings can be presented in an easy-to-understand format, helping employees understand and process findings immediately.

Pentaho can provide intuitive ETL processing without additional coding techniques and help understand customer patterns. With such a clear understanding of customers, e-commerce stores can tailor their campaigns to customer needs, increase customer retention rates, and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Additionally, Pentaho Analytics is constantly updated based on data, and hence, you will always be kept in the loop about changing customer preferences allowing you to adapt to change by implementing new technologies and designs.

Encourage Cross-Functioning Teams

It is common knowledge that a company that promotes its employees to learn and understand the working of the other team members is the one slated for significant growth. Pentaho Business Intelligence encourages employees to work with each other and use the same platform for their various business strategies.

The sales team, marketing team, logistics team, backend support team, and accounting team can use the same data sets and analytics available on the Pentaho platform. The analysis done by the marketing team can be more helpful for the logistics team to streamline their shipping process. Similarly, many benefits can be gleaned from the Pentaho platform when all employees depend on a single platform for their business decisions.

It brings employees to work together, coordinating between them to create business strategies, which focus on increasing revenue and improving business reach. With the evidence of data in hand, there is no need to rely on guesswork or intuition. Be it a startup or a large e-commerce business, Pentaho can be a one-point solution for data collection, integration and analytics.

Additionally, with the integration of all teams, it becomes easier to streamline data pipelines and workflows without losing momentum for each team.

Pentaho can help implement complete data engineering in data analytics without relying on any data scientist. E-commerce businesses can easily set up their Pentaho platform and use it without any support and get actionable insights from it.

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