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Shift Left Test Automation

Shift Left Test Automation

Executive Summary

  • Script maintenance is one of the key challenges for most companies.
  • In order to achieve better results, We need to make automation simpler and focus more on finding defects & save time.
  • Less maintainable scripts, accessible ramp up for new members, quickly get to full speed, deliver more and fast. So, Automated scripts should be adaptable and flexible for any framework and development change.
  • One of the significant challenges for the real ROI in test automation testing is our perceived way of looking at & making an automation strategy.

Shift Left

Involving the Software Testing Services team in the initial phase of the project, say planning, design sessions, and putting the Quality/Testing team before traditional SDLC start is the Key and need of time.

Shift Left Can Help To Achieve Below Things:

  • Early detection of bugs & faster time to market
  • Engage everyone in the team, more collaboration for any team working in Agile development
  • Continuous feedback to help product is best in all quality standards in cutting edge competition
  • Reducing testing time, efforts & surely the cost
  • Better resource management

Below Are The Things To Look To Solve These Issues:

API Testing:

  • API are the backbone for any product and usually independent and ready for testing
  • API service testing with different environment for stability check
  • Test before UI is ready
  • Code Review – Use of Static Analysis Tools

Wireframes Testing:

  • Identification of missing requirements in the early stage of the product development
  • Helping customers with more inputs in the initial phase of requirements
  • Usability Testing
  • Testing in terms of business requirements at the early stage of project kick off
  • Check the skeleton in the initial phase of development and post deployment via BDD

One of the Important Things to Look Forward Is “Mindset”

If we have a full suite of automated test cases then in general what is out mindset?

I think mostly pass rate, running them in CI and maintenance for changing environments.

Here we are missing the objective and only confined to have all TC pass, Focus of testing team has moved from quality gate keeper to development team or more specifically test maintenance.

Script Less Test Automation: Why We Need It?

  • In Agile Development we cannot rely on only stable graphical user interface
  • Test automation is still considered & mostly revolved around tools and languages
  • Script maintenance is a common problem for any automation team
  • You will miss the feedback loop.

Abstraction is the key to object-oriented programming language, and if we use it wisely during the framework development, then the automation journey is much simpler.

Let’s consider Automation team is already engaged from the start & requirements are clear to them in terms of product.

What Should Be The Approach?

  • Starting of automation even before UI is ready
  • Test design is kick off at the same time in the Sprint same as of the product or feature development.
  • keyword driver framework is the Key
  • Abstraction of input and action using TDD approach
  • Maintaining common or central repository for objects and test data
  • Modular approach & Data parameterization
  • Use of Static and dynamic analysis tools
  • Engagement of business users
  • Easy Script Maintenance
  • Improved ROI from Automation
  • Improved test coverage
  • Focus is intact in finding bugs
  • Automation with handover model in place
  • Quick Ramp up time for non-automation tester
  • Faster Script development with flexible and adoptable framework.
  • Encourage manual tester to code
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