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Table As A Service: Create Data Integration Strategy

Data Integration Strategy

What is TAAS?

The table as a service is a helpful way of high frequency, high volume data exchange, Dynamics 365 finance and operations, without having to worry about supporting architecture, agility, and efficiency. I can make my data be stored and arranged as per any need, without sticking to fixed metadata, beforehand – as compared to conventional DBMS definition. Your Table exists as an API, whereby you can call the API and enforce PUT, POST and delete actions thereby.

Data Integration Strategy

Table as a service as a storage

Azure table storage exists as a patterned NoSql data in Azure, resulting in a schema-less design.

Table storage generally comprises of following components:

  • Accounts: a subscription account that connects all the storage offerings(Blobs/files, queues, containers, tables)
  • Tables: a table can comprise of several entities
  • Entities: an entity is like a row that comprises of several properties
  • Properties: Key-value pair

Look at the following example that comes from a TAAS on a successful creation:

<content type=“application/xml”> <m:properties> <d:PartitionKey>RecId</d:PartitionKey> <d:RowKey>2121212313</d:RowKey> <d:TimeStamp m:Type=”Edm.DateTime”>2019-12-22T06:06:06.673110727</d:TimeStamp> <d:AcqMethod>Test3</d:acqMethod> <d:Description>Test desc</d:Description> <m:properties> </content>

The above example results from an attempt to write into a table, with fields AcqMethod and Description. PartitionKey and RowKey are unique key pairs. Here the record exists as a property (starting from d:PartitionKey to d:Description). The table does not have any fixed schema as contrary to our concept of RDBMS.

Creating a table storage

Step 1:

Navigate to ~\Home\All services\Storage accounts\admin storage account. Choose from ‘Tables’.

Step 2:

Create a new table → give a table name(avoid using ‘_’ or special characters). Press OK to to continue.

This would result in creating your table. See the adjoining URL, implying that it exists as an endpoint API.

Data Integration Strategy


Shared access signature (SAS):

A shared access signature is an easy way common palette of data access for various modes of data storages: Blob, Queues, Tables, or containers.

Navigate to left hand pane → Shared access signature → Generate SAS and Connection string button. Tick on ‘Table’ → to create Keys for Table. Also click on the necessary allowed permissions:

Data Integration Strategy

This will generate the following access key/connection strings:

Data Integration Strategy

Querying your table from Postman:

Copy the ‘Table service SAS URL’ → Open postman → paste it in the browser → amend to include the table name you have created between ? and the last ‘\’ → do a ‘GET’ → Send

It will result in the records of the table as an XML’s key value pair dataset:

Data Integration Strategy

Note: how the name of the table has been given at the end of the SAS key.

Viewing from Azure browser

You can download Azure browser from:


You can install the storage explorer. It’s an ultimate tool to upload, download, maintain and query your storage contents – just like the older days of SSMS.

Browse down to → on the left hand pane Subscription name → Storage accounts → created table:

Data Integration Strategy

You can query quite easily using query button from above:

Data Integration Strategy

Using logic apps: integration

Logic apps could be used successfully as a messenger exposing your Table Services to expose, interpret/Parse and consume data. You can highlight your table as a service and then write a trigger to fire when data arrives on your table as an HTTP request.


a. Figure out an HTTP request with the following JSON payload as its sample payload:

{ “PartitionKey”: “RecId” “RowKey”: 122121212121, “Acqmethod”: “Test1”, “Description”: “Test1 desc” }

b. You can optionally choose a ‘compose’ action from above result.

c. Add an action as ‘Insert entity’ by choosing from ‘Table storage’ connecter.

d. Choose from step-b, choose from the Table that you have created (evidently it relates the set of tables available from the same azure subscription.

e. Add a ‘Get entity’ action → it acts like an query, select the table you created and ‘PartitionKey’ and ‘RowKey’ values from the payload defined on Step-a.

So as a result the code for the logic app looks like:

{ "definition": { "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Logic/schemas/2016-06-01/workflowdefinition.json#", "actions": { "Compose": { "inputs": "@triggerOutputs()['queries']", "runAfter": {} , "type": "Compose" } , "Get_entity": { "inputs": { "host": { "connection": { "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azuretables']['connectionId']" } } , "method": "get", "path": "/Tables/@{encodeURIComponent('_Table_Name_')}/entities(PartitionKey='@{encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['PartitionKey'])}',RowKey='@{encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['RowKey'])}')" } , "runAfter": { "Insert_Entity": [ "Succeeded"] } , "type": "ApiConnection" } , "Insert_Entity": { "inputs": { "body": "@outputs('Compose')", "host": { "connection": { "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azuretables']['connectionId']" } } , "method": "post", "path": "/Tables/@{encodeURIComponent('_Table_Name_')}/entities" } , "runAfter": { "Compose": [ "Succeeded"] } , "type": "ApiConnection" } , "Post_a_message_(V3)": { "inputs": { "body": { "body": { "content": "<p>@{outputs('Compose')}</p>", "contentType": "html" } } , "host": { "connection": { "name": "@parameters('$connections')['teams']['connectionId']" } } , "method": "post", "path": "/v3/beta/teams/@{encodeURIComponent('*****')}/channels/@{encodeURIComponent('***@thread.skype')}/messages" } , "runAfter": { "Get_entity": [ "Succeeded"] } , "type": "ApiConnection" } } , "contentVersion": "", "outputs": {} , "parameters": { "$connections": { "defaultValue": {} , "type": "Object" } } , "triggers": { "manual": { "inputs": { "schema": { "properties": { "AcqMethod": { "type": "string" } , "Description": { "type": "string" } , "PartitionKey": { "type": "string" } , "RowKey": { "type": "string" } } , "type": "object" } } , "kind": "Http", "type": "Request" } } } , "parameters": { "$connections": { "value": { "azuretables": { "connectionId": "/subscriptions/****/resourceGroups/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/azuretables", "connectionName": "azuretables", "id": "/subscriptions/*****/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westus/managedApis/azuretables" } , "teams": { "connectionId": "/subscriptions/****/resourceGroups/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/teams-1", "connectionName": "teams-1", "id": "/subscriptions/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westus/managedApis/teams" } } } } }

The logic app gives the following outcome, when fired from Postman:

Data Integration Strategy


Further mastery of dynamics 365 for finance and operations team shares this document on the table as a service: Create a data integration strategy. This team owns helps to grow your business to the best of its ability.

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