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Autonomous Data Warehouse Consulting Services

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Autonomous Data Warehousing Implementation: New Era in Data Intelligence

Autonomous Data Warehousing

At NEX Softsys, our autonomous data warehousing consulting services and solutions set the stage for a new era of technological disruption. We craft data-driven strategies that revolutionize your enterprise, positioning it at the forefront of innovation in a digital landscape.

We approach flexibly and allow you to take small steps, aligning with your budget and timeline. Don't fret about migrating from on-prem systems. We keep your existing deployment intact while unlocking new cloud-powered possibilities. Experience shorter project timelines and resource-efficient design, positioning your enterprise for future triumphs.

  • Unparallel expertise
  • 100% satisfied clients
  • Client-centric approach
  • 99.99% proven success
  • Affordable Solutions
  • Best practices

Improve Database Capabilities with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse

We provide the best data management services with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehousing. We are a leader in Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Consulting, offering powerful and secure data management solutions.

Leading the charge in the 2023 Forrester Wave report, Oracle ADW's unmatched "current offering" and visionary prowess shine. ADW, the world's first autonomous database for analytics, simplifies complex insights for all, regardless of data size or type. It delivers exceptional performance, cutting operational costs. With automated management and native multi-cloud capabilities, ADW sets new data standards. Join NEX Softsys, an Oracle autonomous Data warehousing consulting company that transforms possibilities into reality for a data-driven journey.

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse

Autonomous Data Warehousing

Explore the Breakthrough advancements redefining ADW appeal

Oracle ADW is a catalyst for transformative insights and unrivaled efficiency. Experience a world of innovation with Oracle Autonomous Data Warehousing, where groundbreaking innovations redefine your data strategy.

Collaborative Horizons

Collaborative Horizons

ADW uses a unique way to share data called the Delta Sharing protocol, like a secure passageway for data to move between different apps and services. It helps you make decisions with the most up-to-date information, while eliminating old and irrelevant data.

Simplified Data Flow

Simplified Data Flow

Say goodbye to complicated processes. Think of Oracle Autonomous Database Data Studio as a user-friendly tool that gives data experts the power to work on data without needing help from IT experts.

High-Performance Storage

High-Performance Storage, Lower Cost

Get top-quality performance without breaking the bank, and your work gets done much faster. It's like having a super-efficient and cost-effective assistant at your service.

Multi-Cloud Versatility

Multi-Cloud Versatility

ADW effortlessly connects with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, giving you access to various data sources. Plus, it can easily translate and understand the specific dialects of each data source.

Agility & Self-Sufficiency

Agility & Self-Sufficiency

ADW makes setting up your data warehouse easy and adaptable. Through Autonomous Data Warehouse Services, your business becomes super independent and efficient, like a well-oiled machine that needs very little human intervention to run smoothly by keeping itself safe and fixing any problems it encounters.

Ironclad Security

Ironclad Security And Reliability

You can rely on ADW to keep running without interruptions. It takes care of its security, like having a guardian watching over your valuable information. So, you can relax knowing your data is safe and your system is always up and, running smoothly.


We Deliver Big Data Development Across

USA | Canada | UK | Germany | France | Singapore | Italy | Israel | Australia | Japan | Netherlands | Sweden | Switzerland | Norway

Empowering impact of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Solutions

Seamlessly manage and access your data with our fully managed Oracle Autonomous Data Warehousing Implementation Services.
Harness high concurrency and analytical throughput, empowering faster insights.
Modernize your data warehouse with self-driving efficiency, saving up to half the total cost of ownership.
Fortify your data with always-on encryption and automatic security upgrades.
Make informed decisions anytime, anywhere using actionable reports and smart device accessibility.
Oracle Analytics Cloud delivers customizable visual reports for quicker, data-driven decisions.
Load, analyze, and extract insights in real-time with just a few clicks.
Experience a fully autonomous database, eliminating human error and optimizing performance.
Create a data warehouse cloud service in just a few seconds without the need for additional IT resources.
Run analytics without the hassle of data center investments or extra staffing.
Benefit from AI and machine learning for adaptive caching and indexing.
Outpace the competition with data processing much faster and costs much less than AWS Redshift.
The single platform empowers your entire organization to explore any data type.

Reshape Your Data Strategy with Our Autonomous Data Warehouse Services

We are your trusted partner in harnessing the true potential of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehousing. We personalize services to help businesses unlock the power of autonomous, self-driving data warehousing.

Autonomous Data Warehouse Implementation

Autonomous Data Warehouse Implementation

Our experts seamlessly implement Oracle ADW, ensuring a rapid and smooth transition to a self-driving data warehouse environment.

ADW Performance Optimization

ADW Performance Optimization

We ensure that your data processes operate at peak efficiency by fine-tuning your ADW deployment to maximize performance.

Data Security and Compliance

Data Security and Compliance

NEX Softsys prioritizes your data's safety, implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Data Migration to ADW

Data Migration to ADW

The migration of your data to ADW is handled by our skilled team, which ensures minimal disruption to your operations.

ADW Monitoring and Maintenance

ADW Monitoring and Maintenance

We provide proactive monitoring and regular maintenance to keep your ADW environment running smoothly.

ADW Cost Optimization

ADW Cost Optimization

We help you optimize costs using ADW resources efficiently. It results in getting the most value from your investment.

Data Integration with ADW

Data Integration with ADW

We seamlessly integrate your existing data sources and tools with ADW, streamlining data flow and accessibility.

ADW Training and User Adoption

ADW Training and User Adoption

Our comprehensive training programs ensure your team is proficient in leveraging the full capabilities of Oracle ADW.

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud stands as the pinnacle solution, liberating organizations from the burdens of manual database management. We are at the forefront of this revolutionary Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, championing the cause of fully automated databases empowered by cutting-edge Machine Learning technology.

Our collaboration with ADWC reshapes the landscape of database administration by eradicating manual tasks, resulting in substantial cost reductions, fortified data security, and unparalleled uptime assurance. It simplifies the entire data management process, offering elastic scaling and robust data integration capabilities that align perfectly with NEX Softsys' commitment to providing agile, secure, and high-performance solutions.

Oracle Autonomous

Unlock ADWC Potential for Your Business

Uptime Assurance

  • Detect system errors automatically.
  • Apply corrective actions promptly, ensuring uninterrupted operations.
  • Enjoy an impressive 99.995% uptime guarantee.

Cost Efficiency

  • Reduce operational costs significantly.
  • Eliminate the need for manual database administration, saving time and resources.
  • Achieve a lower total cost of ownership with automation.

Elastic Scaling and Data Integration

  • Scale resources intelligently based on workload requirements.
  • Seamlessly integrate data from various sources.
  • Leverage native or third-party data integration tools for flexibility.

Data Security

  • Ensure data protection with always-on encryption.
  • Proactively respond to cyber threats without downtime.
  • Enhance data security measures through automation.

Effortless Management

  • Simplify end-to-end data and warehouse resource management.
  • Reduce the complexity of data handling and administration.
  • Streamline operations with a user-friendly interface.

High Performance

  • Experience out-of-the-box high performance for various data requirements.
  • Optimize query execution with preconfigured resource profiles.
  • Achieve efficient data processing with Oracle Exadata infrastructure.
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